Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello, Florence!

Annie Sloan has a rock'n chalk paint called Florence. I love her. Florence has a gorgeous greenish-blue hue that reminds me of a piece of turquoise jewelery. 

My latest client, Kristi, lives in a big'ol 13 County farm house

She and her husband are in the process of 
remodeling/expanding their porch/laundry room. 
Kristi found this mid century dresser on an online garage sale site 
and asked if I could make it fit in with a Western motif.
We considered using ASCP Emperor's Silk (red) for the project but in the end
decided Florence was a better choice.

Here's the final product.

What'cha think?

I love the color.
Don't you?

Florence looks fabulous against the red barn wood
but she'll also work well with black, browns, greens, whites, etc.

Turquoise jewelry can brighten up any outfit
and I think Florence will have the same dramatic effect on any space in your home.

 My client had a specific design style in mind so
I tried to choose hardware that would promote that Western feel.
We both loved these hammered iron pulls from Menards.

Bob the Bull?
Yeah, he was an unexpected gift from my sister, De. 
You can about imagine my surprise when I opened that UPS package!

I don't know that Kristi will hang a bull skull in her laundry room/
I think she may have an iron cross though;) 

Either way this turquoise dresser will be the crowning jewel her new space.

As always thanks so much for reading 13CCF. Let me know if I can help you with a project.



  1. It looks amazing Wendy! love the turquoise with that red backdrop! very western indeed :)

  2. I do believe Florence pulled it off it looks great!! love the hardware also.
    Bob the bull??? ya that is an interesting piece of art. I am guessing it will go in your bedroom!!!
    again the piece looks great.


Thanks for your input!